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Help Us Move In Partnership



Family Promise of Hudson County was graciously given the opportunity to partner with "Help Us Move In"' HUMI to further pursue our goal of making sure no families and children have to bear the misfortune of becoming homeless. HUMI awarded us a $15,000 Matching Grant. Family Promise of Hudson County and HUMI would like to challenge the community to raise $15,000 to match the grant. 


We hope that together we will complete this goal with ease and come one step closer to ensuring no family or child has to worry about having a roof over their head or a bed to sleep in at night. We'd also like to thank those, and HUMI, for everything they have done for us and Hudson County thus far.


This may seem like a large amount to raise, but always remember, "Together WE Can"!

If you would like to help us reach this goal, click the button below to learn about possible opportunities to do so!



Family Promise of Hudson County was graciously given the opportunity to partner with "Help Us Move In"' HUMI to further pursue our goal of making sure no families and children have to bear the misfortune of becoming homeless. HUMI awarded us $10,000 to assist the families right now, but we have a challenge for you all, the community. Family Promise of Hudson County and HUMI would like to challenge the Community to raise $20,000 after our entitled match of $10,000. 


Due to a generous community donation, we are already halfway towards our goal. Therefore, from now till the end of 2022, we want to challenge the community to raise an additional $10,000 to assist those in need in our community. 


We hope that we will knock this goal out in no time and come one step closer to ensuring no family or child has to worry about having a roof over their head or a bed to sleep in at night. We'd also like to thank those, and HUMI, for everything they have done for us and Hudson County thus far.


This may seem like a lot to handle, but always remember, "Together WE Can"!

If you would like to help us reach this goal, click the button below to learn about two opportunities to do so!


On July 1st, 2021, Help Us Move In (HUMI) awarded Family Promise of Hudson County with one of their $20,000 grants that has a matching community component. We are so blessed to have been awarded this funding and fully intend to use this grant to assist our families in getting back on their feet while bringing together our community!

This HUMI grant will fund Family Promise of Hudson County’s Homelessness Prevention Program and our Rapid-Rehousing Program. These programs ensure that our families stay housed or are quickly transitioned into housing so that they can avoid being shelter clients. We are committed to helping those families who are in need of assistance, so to receive this funding is a dream come true! 

This grant is a matching grant, which means we will have to raise additional monies over the next two years. Therefore, if you would like to help us raise the needed $40,000 match, please use this PayPal link and add ‘For HUMI Match’ in the special instructions.


If you would like to learn more about this grant, you can read the press release or visit Family Promise National’s article on our partnership with HUMI.

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