Organize a supply drive.
Read a story. Help write a resume.
Discover the wide range of volunteer opportunities at Family Promise – from being on a subcommittee , to tutoring/mentoring, to assisting with fundraising events. There is something for everyone!
Volunteers play an essential role in helping families experiencing homelessness
attain sustainable independence.
With the changes we have had to make during the pandemic, our volunteer needs have changed specifically to mentoring and tutoring. If you would like to help any of our families, please contact us for more information.
Current Opportunities
This year we decided to make reaching our goal to end homelessness more efficient than ever by creating subcommittees and delegating tasks to each! If you want to volunteer in person or online and help us here at FPHC, please consider joining one of our subcommittees! You can find a summary of each subcommittee and a button to submit your application for the one of your choice below!
Subcommittee Chair

Sr Georgette Gavioli, SSJ
The Outreach Subcommittee's purpose is to reach out to the community and raise awareness in person and online for both FPHC and homelessness. While people know homelessness exists, it is often only a fleeting thought. However, homelessness is still a prevalent problem that people need to be aware of to be able to help prevent and end it. Additionally, we find more often than not that people are not aware of our nonprofit and how they can help us make our community a better place. Thus, the Outreach Subcommittee was born to fix these problems and help bring in more kind souls in the battle against homelessness.
Subcommittee Chair

Debra Pelto, PhD
The Fundraising Subcommittee’s purpose is to help plan and carry out FPHC fundraising events. As a nonprofit, we don’t charge fees for our services, making fundraising an essential part of our income. Without fundraisers and the generous donors and volunteers who participate in them both in person and online, we would be in big trouble! Tasks for this subcommittee can range from brainstorming ideas to finding venues and donors, to participating in person during an event. Thus, this subcommittee makes an important contribution to ensuring FPHC has the resources we need to carry out our mission.
New Building Project
Subcommittee Chairs
The New Building Project Subcommittee’s purpose is to help FPHC get our first building! Thanks to the rising price of rent, a lot of research, and some great advice, we have made the decision to go in a new direction and house families in our own building. This will not only help our nonprofit financially, but it will also make it easier for us to assist the families in our care! However, before we can do all that, we obviously need a building first! Tasks for this subcommittee include both online and in person activities that involve gathering information on property leads, building grants, and more! Thus, the New Building Project Subcommittee will help us make the best decision we can in regard to this for both FPHC and the families we assist!

Bradley DeBose

Katie Brennan
Board/Subcommittee Recruitment
Subcommittee Chair
The Board/Subcommittee Recruitment Subcommittee’s purpose is to find people who would make great board members through in-person and online activities/tasks! To be a board member, one needs passion for our cause and to be able to bring something to the table that can help FPHC grow further to greater assist the families in our care. Board members can bring anything from experience to connections to the ability to attend events as an FPHC representative! On top of that, as an FPHC Board Member, you would assist in the critical decisions and the direction FPHC goes. Thus, the Recruitment Subcommittee plays an important role in helping decide the future of FPHC!

Sr Georgette Gavioli, SSJ
Future Opportunities
Volunteer Contact Form
We host and attend events throughout the year to raise awareness about homelessness, engage with our community, and fund our programs. However, events don't host or attend themselves, so we always need volunteers!
From health fairs to dance parties, we have a range of volunteer opportunities so you can find one that fits you and your interests! If we don't have an opportunity you prefer, we are always happy to hear suggestions!
If you are interested in volunteering for these events, fill out our Volunteer Contact Form via the button below to be informed about such opportunities!
Past Opportunities

Our Fall event, An Evening of Promise: Bridging a Better Future Together, was a celebratory fundraiser cocktail party honoring our Board Member Sister Georgette Gavioli's 29 years of service at St. Aloysius. The proceeds funded the general operating cost of our shelter locations. The celebration took place Thursday, October 28th, from 6:00-8:30 p.m. at Grace Van Vorst Church in Jersey City. Each tax deductible ticket was priced at $65.75, the cost for one day of keeping our shelters open that temporarily house our homeless families. Our goal was to raise enough funds via tickets, journal advertisements and sponsorships to cover our shelter operating costs for one year.
Would you have been willing to help us with our event to help keep our families sheltered?
We were happily accepting volunteers and would find a way to make use of your skills, no matter what they were.
If you are interested in any opportunities like this one, please contact Alyssa Lopez, our Research Director, at a.lopez@familypromisehudsoncounty.org

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“Each time we make room for strangers, we chip away at the fear and isolation and heartbreak in our world. We also get to participate in something that is life giving, both to us and the people we welcome.”
Volunteer from Family Promise of Beaufort County, SC